Btw, the bit about me was written by Gullu and edited by Ghosh.
DAROGA-Undoubtedly the authoritative 'DIRO DAROGA' of the wing. A strict dude, he firmly brings down to earth anyone who dares to go over the top. Loves sleep (has been in his ground state on some very significant occasions in the wing including his own birthday), loves eggs (min 4 a day which “patches” his doctors’ pay), loves women (always fixated on someone) and womanhood (champion of woman rights, no chauvinism allowed in his presence) Regales everyone with his witty one liners ('uunch neech','plastic mein paani', ’neeche gira denge' etc etc). His dep tempo exceeds his hall tempo esp. when the 'angels' of his dep are concerned. Its when you pull his leg about them that you get him at his truest wrathful self. Recently ventured into social activism wherein he popularized the catchphrase “I’ll complain” and had junta raving for more Sarkar sequels.
MAHE-The cheetah of our wing…..2 ghante wing me phir pata nahi kahan gayab!!
The social networking face of the insti, he has left Orkut far behind in this aspect. Whether it be jobless buggers seeking employment or forlorn lovers with relationship problems or artless f***ers trying to enter Bollywood, all and sundry in the insti turn to him for solace. If Daroga is the social activist, Mahe is the political one….a natural leader, his Machiavellian machinations work along the lines of “gymkhana ka baap kaun?..Patel Patel”. However no writeup can ever do justice to all his antics which make him the butt of all jokes and at the receiving end of various bantering and leg-pulling sessions (ref “as in”, “Mera wala roll”, “kachumbar salad”, “Do din se soya nahi”, “yaar jaamphal khaa raha hun” and of course his chaal-chalan during phone calls n chats). As Kanwa once famously remarked “
TUDU-He's the enigma of this wing. Deciphering this guy's thoughts and emotions would be a psychoanalyst’s nightmare. Things known about him: THE insti FAART god, onetime athletics and footer stud in the hall and of course the guy most likely to win "The least words spoken in a lifetime" award. The things not known: listens to as much rock as Kanwa, watches more chinki movies than anyone in the insti, is a jack and master of a multitude of LAN games, is a walking Wikipedia on guns and heavy artillery, banda with most disciplined lifestyle in the wing. All in all represents an unexplored region in the world of DTW.
BABA-Happy-go-lucky to the hilt, Baba's company acts as the perfect stress-reliever when you are down and out provided he himself isn’t. Has a reverse biological clock wherein he wakes through the night and sleeps through the day most of the time. Drams and Lit god and a firm believer in the maxim “Life is a drama”, one never knows when he’s serious and when he’s feigning. Has had an extremely topsy-turvy love-life, consequently very reticent about discussing about the “tsunamis” that occur in his heart whenever the “smriti” of his heartthrob(s) buggers him. Yet another self-styled activist of the wing, he is ready to take on his own wingies when it comes to pinpointing all tedhi baatein of the insti and raising his awaaz on all that he feels is wrong with Kgp.
DHIRU-The epithet of “Akela Insaan” renders only partial justice to Dhiru , who admittedly walks a lonely path in terms of acads (mugs alone, sole one to submit assignments, no-proxy-policy). However in terms of BakC he certainly becomes a fellow gangmate whether it is in our wing or with his ubiquitous Tech Bhilai Society. Once our ambassador to SN, the triumvirate of women in his life (one he was willing to reach the “vertex” for, another who’s j(h)umping to be committed to him and finally his “fantalabous” stepny) makes him extremely lucky in love.
SUMIT- A self proclaimed soft-hearted dude. Jinko woh jaanta hai unhe dil ke kareeb rakhta hai. Dare not maaro a p.s.i to him as he would get immensely upset at that and would draw a million unwarranted conclusions. We certainly have to endure his frequent mood swings wherein he is in high spirits one moment, while sulking and not speaking to anyone in the next moment. However jokes apart, he is certainly one of those guys who once you strike a chord with will remain a friend for life(as his still thriving contacts with his friends of DPS rkpuram goes to show).A darling with the juniors during OP in our 3rd yr, he had become the face of the wing to the juniors for a while.
PRITO-Hell hath no fury like Prito scorned and/or drunk. Wears his heart on his sleeve and is not afraid to call a spade a spade. For someone who can be very acerbic when upset, it took something really ALKAline to tone down his acidity. Born with a loudspeaker implanted in his system, he’s blessed with a booming voice to die for. Possesses high energy levels and wonderfully plays the part of the leader during high octane masti sessions of the wing. Tremendously committed to the hall, he is Patel’s very own chaos and disturbance handler, not to mention a crass, unrefined but extremely shrewd and effective poltubaaz.
BANU-Hailing from one of the very interior villages of
KANWA-One of the two surds of our wing, he is the unifying factor of the wing with his endeavors towards wing socialization and 'masti'. Was the pioneer of wing DC, which ensures that no one acts against the interest of the wing. Multi-talented banda: guitar stud(everything learnt in Kgp), weightlifting stud(Inter IIT gold), FAART stud(have a look at the graffitis of DFE), mimicry stud. However can be a real pain in the a$$ at times, like when poking and prodding everyone on their belly and commanding them to work out and create a sculpted body like his own, or when he insists on us waiting for him to finish at the dinner table (this takes an eternity as he consumes every morsel at a snail’s pace). An integral member of the insti’s “Pahalwaan Party” (inter IIT weightlifting gang), the latter’s infamous slogan (can’t be published here) has many-a-times prevented him from reaching out and fulfilling his heart’s desire. Unfailingly starts studying at the 10th hour and finishes at the 11th hour before the exam….can’t complain if you score a rank of 151 in GATE doing this.
DIVAKAR-The undisputed playboy of the insti; girls fall for him like ninepins and he manages to lap them all with ease while remaining committed to one. Over the last three years he has had as many as three residential addresses in IIT, one in this wing, one in RK and one in a certain corner in IIT Kanpur. Another mimicry stud of the wing, his stand-up acts have enlivened many a wing treats. Mighty jhaapu though…..even jhaapos others’ lingerie. Slightly unfortunate to have a father who is a close chum with all dep profs, he has compounded matters and not enamoured himself to them by being one of the guiding lights of the Mech Bakchod gang. To his credit though, he has Proctered and Gambled his way to devouring the biggest “burger” of them all.
GULLU-'Hiiiii!'.......The unbridled joy with which Gullu greets someone upon recognition (even if he has forgotten the bugger’s name) is his most defining feature. An all-round popular guy, the “Gullu fan club” on Orkut has the distinction of being the largest fan club in Kgp in terms of membership. Has a grin plastered 24x7 on his face, which wins him friends instantly and acts as a good camouflage when he hurls mental abuses at someone (read us) pulling his leg. As a cleaning consultant of RP he is their equivalent of Vinod Gupta. His inquisitive queries on dogs and fishes are legendary. An adventurer at heart, he regales us with anecdotes about his escapades at Ranikhet, Rishikesh, Phuket, Pataya, Lakshwadeep and what not. A bakchod all throughout his life, he has finally taken a grip over acads in the last couple of sems, what with consistent saare atthis, hoohaa BTP, gatecrashing and a FT to boot. Not bad going for an insti dhakkan.
GUPPI-Guppi is a true blue sardar and the wing jester. A natural comedian, all his antics leave us in splits whether he intends it or not. Millions and millions of pages can be filled documenting all Guppi chaoses (Guppi Singh only, tea in mess, video-cam in choreo,
PATI-The face of academic sanity in a wing of bakchods (GATEcrashers norwithstanding), he’s blessed with oodles of grey matter which fetch him consistent nehlis with the minimum of effort. Not to be confused with a maggu though; Pati does know how to (mal)utilise time playing plenty of LAN games with his fellow thoka gangmates(Maiti, Pelu, Cheruks). Has a hyper inquisitive nature and the plethora of questions he asks about stuff in general and juicy gossips in particular have people running for cover. Keeps visiting the USofA at the drop of a hat, and the last time he went there he brought back a handycam, which has captured all amounts of bakchodi and tomfoolery the wing has ever indulged in(Phoenix Prods included) and hence over a period of time has turned out to be the biggest asset of this wing.
BABBE-This "CHEERFUL MOTU" of our wing boasts of having personal body guards in his childhood days, (although the kidnapper might have had to think twice before lifting him...haahaa). Is a cheerful buddy of our wing who leaves no stone unturned in pulling someone’s leg during wing bakchodi sessions, Banu being his favourite target. Ever ready for a debate on any topic on the earth because he knows he can defeat any one when it comes to oratorical mastery. Appreciates different cuisines from the bottom of his heart, wonder why he came here to do engineering, should have been a cook at some 5 star hotel. Hez the biggest treat jhapu of our wing, has managed to pull off treats from some of his "self claimed friends". Babbe starts curling his hair with his finger whenever tensed, which is at a peak during final stages of exam preparation. Its fun to have his company on outings though, at least you can be rest assured of a company for a glass of vodka.